Design and Management of European Projects

Introduction to Design and Management of European Projects

You will learn about the wide offer of European funding programmes, how to access and manage them; about different aspects of the management of a European project, since it is approved until reporting time; about the nature of European projects and the general scheme for operating with them. You will recognize the importance of the transversal aspects of all European projects, how to articulate the relevant strategies and follow up on them.

Main topics:

  • EU Multiannual Financial Framework 2014-2020
  • Europe 2020 Strategy
  • Project life cycle overview
  • Main EU funded programmes
  • Need analysis for proposal development
  • Proposal writing: Administrative, technical and financial considerations
  • Proposal submission: Requirements
  • Technical and financial management
  • Evaluation, dissemination, exploitation and sustainability
  • Reporting


Key question:

  • What is the nature of European projects and the general scheme for operating with them?
  • How technical and economic-financial management of a project are distinguished?
  • What is quality criteria for efficient management of a European project?
  • How the structure through which an entity analyzes and identifies its needs, translates those needs into an idea of a project in a creative way and integrates it with the ideas of other partner organizations works?
  • What is the importance of the transversal aspects of all European projects? How to articulate the relevant strategies and follow up on them?


Learning outcomes / competences:

  • Wide knowledge about available EU funds in different topics
  • Setting up project consortiums
  • Key aspects of proposals writing
  • Guidelines for a successful technical and financial management
  • Reporting to competent authorities

Course start time:

  • 2018-05-28

Course duration:

  • 4 weeks


  • 25 academic hours (1ECTS)

Course language:

  • Spanish

Course level:

  • Intermediate


  • None

Target group:

  • Professionals from private and public organizations dealing with Europeans funds management

Recognition of competences:

  • Digital badge, digital certificate recognized in Course creator organization

Santiago Reyes

Head of Project Department at ONECO.

Responsible for fundraising, proposal design, management and technical assistance of projects developed within the framework of the European Union or financed with structural funds, in areas such as employment, entrepreneurship, education, youth, culture, innovation and quality, among others. Long experience as teacher in matters such project management, EU programmes and funds, or local development.

Gloria Jurado

Consultant at ONECO.

Long professional experience linked to the fields of training and education consultancy, human resources, ICTs, research and innovation, including the management of grants, public tenders and European projects.

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