5 non-formal open learning courses for continuous professional staff development (CPD) was developed by 5 ReOPEN project partner institutions using designed to facilitate future recognition by employers or other educational institutions by offering a set of instruments. Open learning courses:

  • maintain the tools to validate open learning by offering learner credentials (verification of learner identity, learning agreement template and other credentials and instruments),
  • provide information on the possibility to include open learning courses for “elective” or “Self-study” courses in (C)Vet curriculum,
  • employ digital badges for credentialization of learning path and learner achievements,
  • integrate learning analytic tools and use in course scenario and study guide.
The courses are on the topics selected by consortium institutions.

It are approximately of 20 learning hours.

The courses have maintain theoretical part (integrating Open Educational Resources) and practical assignments.

The aim of the course is to prepare system and network engineers, especially at higher education institutions, and also other IT specialist to successfully implement and maintain wireless network(s) in institutions where they work. In practical work participants will get hand-on knowledge how to design wireless network from the start. The course will also provide important tips&tricks how to troubleshoot wireless network problems and keep wireless network healthy. During the course participants will work on design for a wireless network based on customer’s needs for coverage and capacity.

This course provides a basic user-friendly introduction to the study of language and the relationship between language and society. Since the course targets people who have no prior knowledge of the subject, it presents information in short units, introducing the major concepts in language study – the analysis of language use on different levels. To increase student engagement with the teaching materials, the course also includes practical activities involving data analysis and interpretation.

The main course book that we will be using is Holmes (2017), which you can purchase here.
Holmes, J. (2017) An Introduction to Sociolinguistics. 5th ed. London & New York: Routledge. Meyerhoff, M. (2006) Introducing Sociolinguistics. London & New York: Routledge

Aim of the learning programme is to make learners familiarize with the basic techniques of animation creation; understand and explore how animation creation can be used in the classroom to foster learning.

The method can be applied for various age groups and in different subject areas.

Learners will learn about the wide offer of European funding programmes, how to access and manage them

In this course we introduce the concept of digital skills, which comprises aspects such as information, social media, and creative skills in an increasingly digitized world.

We aim at making students familiar with the topic of digital skills, including the important pillars relevance, assessment, and improvement options.