Formal educationOrganized, guided by a formal curriculum, leads to a formally recognized credential such as a high school completion diploma or a degree, and is often guided and recognized by government at some level. Teachers are usually trained as professionals in some way. |
Formative assessmentFormative assessment, also referred to as 'assessment for learning', is an integral part of teaching and learning. It does not contribute to the final mark given for the module; instead it contributes to learning through providing feedback. Formative assessment supports the individual to assess their own learning process through reflection with the objective of improvement and to thus contribute to his/her formation. It requires feedback to the learners and may, but will not always, contribute to summative assessment. For formative assessments it is recommendable to use methods that support and facilitate the direct observation of students work and their abilities in situations resembling demands that could occur in real life, e.g. case based learning. Used in this way, assessment is an important potential driver for learners’ motivation and encouragement (in Camilleri et al, 2012: 13). More information |