2021. January 15., Friday, 02:18
Portál: ReOPEN Learn
Kurzus: ReOPEN Learn (Learning platform)
Fogalomtár: Glossary of terms


Prior learning assessment & recognition (PLAR) is a process that gives you the opportunity to obtain academic credit for one or more courses in a certificate, diploma or degree. You will need to demonstrate that you have acquired the necessary skills and knowledge through life experiences.

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Academic credit portability is the transparency and simplicity of moving academic credits earned at one institution to another - prior course and credits are recognized with comparable value. Lack of academic credit portability is a major issue across higher education given the changing enrollment patterns of today's college students.

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Proctoring, proctored exam

Proctoring or Proctored Test is defined as a mechanism to ensure the authenticity of the test taker and prevent him/her from cheating via a proctor is present during the duration of the test.

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