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The ‘x’ stands for eXtended or the eXtension of the core curriculum. The xMOOC is an expert centered MOOC, in which this expert directs the knowledge to be gained. The difference between this type of MOOC and a traditional online course is that, this is Massive and it is Open. The xMOOC is based on the traditional classroom structure. The role of the course instructor (expert) is to create and coordinate the curriculum. He/she also sets the outcomes of the course from the onset. Often, the course involves lecture videos, pre-set and computer marked assignments, and automated system feedback. The learner is responsible for completing the set tasks as directed by the instructor, in the required time. xMOOC have a strict set duration, and at the completion of the course, a certificate or badge is issued indicating the pass mark. The aim of the xMOOC is to efficiently deliver content to larger audiences.