Introduction to Wireless Network Design

Introduction to Wireless Network Design

The aim of the course is to prepare system and network engineers, especially at higher education institutions, and also other IT specialist to successfully implement and maintain wireless network(s) in institutions where they work. In practical work participants will get hand-on knowledge how to design wireless network from the start. The course will also provide important tips&tricks how to troubleshoot wireless network problems and keep wireless network healthy. During the course participants will work on design for a wireless network based on customer’s needs for coverage and capacity.

Main topics:

  • Main concepts of wireless networks
  • Basics of 802.11n and 802.11ac standards
  • Designing wireless network


Key question:

  • What are the basic features of modern Wi-Fi standards?
  • What are the key factors to consider when gathering customers requirements?
  • What are the necessary steps in Wi-Fi network desing?
  • Which are the two most common Wi-Fi troubleshooting methods?


Learning outcomes / competences:

  • Explain basic features of common Wi-Fi standards
  • Recognize and describe benefits and limitations of 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz frequency bands
  • Describe basics of 802.11n and 802.11ac standards
  • Define differences in architectures of wireless networks
  • Describe steps in wireless network design
  • Prepare capacity analysis for wireless network design
  • Prepare basic predictive coverage model according to customer demands

Course start date:

  • 2018-03-12

Course duration:

  • 3 weeks


  • 30 academic hours (1 ECTS)

Course language:

  • Croatian

Course level:

  • Intermediate


  • High school diploma preferred, aged 16 or above participants

Target group:

  • System and network engineers, especially at higher education institutions, other IT specialists

Recognition of competences:

  • Digital badge and certificate recognized by higher education institutions and companies in Croatia

Related programmes::

  • Educational programme for IT specialists edu4IT (HRV)

Robert Maltaric

University Computing Centre University of Zagreb (SRCE)/Educational Services Department, Croatia

Wireless network engineer with more than 5 years of experience in designing and configuring wireless networks for which he also holds related professional level industry certificates.

Kiti kursai

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