Training material focus on teacher and trainer competence development to design open learning curriculum using digital online learning resources and to plan open learning processes and their recognition in formal learning and by employer organizations. Training material include theoretical references and presentations, as well as practical task for trainees. It based on concrete skill and competence definition and practical tasks are based on group work and trainee collaboration in order to foster teacher and trainer open collaboration approach and matching open learning with formal learning and employer organizations requirements and settings.
The training material is 20-30 learning hours and adapted for self-learning and face to face training.
- Author: Estela Daukšienė
- Author: Matthias Murawski
- Author: Margarita Teresevičienė
Training material focus on teacher and trainer competence development to apply digital badges in open learning to plan recognition and credentialization of open learning processes in formal learning and by employer organizations. Training material include theoretical references and presentations, as well as practical task for trainees. It will be based on concrete skill and competence definition and practical tasks will be based on group work and trainee collaboration in order to foster teacher and trainer open collaboration approach and matching open learning with formal learning and employer organizations requirements and settings.
Training material is 20-30 learning hours adapted for self-learning and face to face training.
- Author: Sandra Kucina Softic
- Author: Kriszta Mihalyi
- Author: Sabina Rako
- Author: Ferenc Tatrai
The training material puts focus on theoretical references from current research, but also includes practical tasks for learners to elaborate individual approaches to be used in their working contexts. It gives insight to the contemporary state of art in this field and good practice examples of successful integration of open learning offers into formal curricula, as well as to existing recognition procedures already applied in Europe. Further it includes guidelines and checklists that shall support open learning providers in designing their offers so they meet the requirements for formal recognition of open learning offers and for negotiating them towards key stakeholders.
Training material is 20-30 learning hours adapted for self-learning and face to face training.
- Author: Julia Busche
- Author: Margarita Teresevičienė
Mokomosios medžiagos apie skaitmeninius ženkliukus santrauka lietuvių kalba.

- Translator: Estela Daukšienė