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Events from the recent past

Implementing digital badges in learning activities
Course launched by SRCE

Digital badges have a wide, but growing application, whether it's an educational program, a course, a module or just an activity. Accordingly, their application varies from being used as evidence of acquired competences (clearly indicating how the learning outcomes are valued), through being just as a reward or as a motivation for further work and learning.

The goal of the online course "Implementing Digital Badges in Learning Activities" course is to introduce participants to the concept of digital badges, what they consist of, how to develop them and how to use them in different educational environments. The course consists of four modules

and the estimated time for passing the whole course is six school hours. This self-paced course in Croatian is aimed primarily at teachers and educators but also at everyone interested in the application of digital badges. Participants passing the whole course and completing defined activities receive confirmation of the completion of the course and the respective digital badge.

In the development of this course some training materials developed in the Erasmus+ project Recognition of Valid and Open Learning (ReOPEN) have been used. The experience SRCE gathered during the project also contributed in the development of the course.

ESCP Multiplier event
Berlin, Germany, 9 October 2018

To ensure an optimal transfer to practice, ESCP selected the Ökofeeding GmbH Berlin as a strategic partner for this event. Ökofeeding is a company offering trainings for farmers in Germany. The company has a wide network of trainers which makes it a valuable multiplier for ReOPEN. Seven trainers (five females, two males) participated in the workshop moderated by Matthias Murawski from ESCP Europe. First, the ReOPEN project was introduced, before the focus was placed on the ICT platform and the CPD courses. The training material was briefly presented. This was followed by a moderated discussion about how the ReOPEN output could be transferred to the practical work of the participants. The workshop format allowed intense and fruitful exchange of experiences and opinions. Feedback from the participants was generally very positive."

Recognition of skills in the labor market ONECO Multiplier Event
Seville, Spain, 30 October 2018

On October 30th, our partner ONECO organised an online training as a conclusion of the Spanish activities in the framework of the ReOPEN project.

The event was held at the Hotel Doña María in Seville, at 10 am, and consisted of three main parts:

  • Online training: benefits and shortcomings.
  • Main results of the ReOPEN project.
  • Presentation of ONECO's new online training platform.

After the talk, including a debate with the audience, the participants had the opportunity of tasting a delicious breakfast served on the roof of the hotel and enjoyed the wonderful views of the Giralda tower and the Cathedral.


EDLW 2018: Line between Non-formal and Formal Education
Webinar, 6 November, 2018

The ReOPEN project was presented in EDEN European Distance Learning Week 2018 event with great success, attracting ... participants with a wide range of stakeholders and from different countries.

Airina Volungevičienė, VMU & Sandra Kucina Softic, SRCE introduced the subject with a presentation entitled “ReOPEN: Recognition of Valid and Open Learning – Impact and established collaboration”


Conclusion of the ReOpen project

The project activities were finished by 31 October.
Time to draw basic conclusions and summarize the most important results. 

In the framework of the project a platform for non-formal open learning curriculum (e.g. MOOC) development with learning validation and recognition instruments in place (learner credentials, digital badges, learning path recognition and assessment tools) have been developed. To facilitate the open online learning material devcelopment we develped 3 training materials and trained teachers and teacher trainers at C-VET organizations, companies, HE institutions and adult learning organizations to

  1. design validated non-formal open learning curriculum (e.g. MOOC or other)
  2. apply of digital badges as a new form of digital credentialisation and tracking one’s learning path in non-formal open learning
  3. recognize non-formal open learning results in formal curricula.
The project developed 5 CPD courses:

 and produced use cases with validated OOL curriculum examples leading to proper prior learning recognition.
The partners established partnerships for future collaboration for non-formal open learning recognition (reviewing curriculum in partner institutions and preparing information on potential recognition of open learning).

Project number 2016-1-LT01-KA202-023131
The project has been co-funded by the European Commission. This publication reflects only the views of the author and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
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