On May 16-17, 2018 German national agency for HE (DAAD) organized transnational cooperation activity seminar “Dissemination, sustainability and impact in Erasmus+ strategic partnerships” in Bonn, Germany. Effective project dissemination, sustainability of project results, and their impact were the focus of the event. It was participated by different project coordinators from EU Erasmus+ projects and representatives from EU national agencies, who had area for cooperation and discussions on different issues related to project management, sharing of good practices and making relations for future projects.

VMU coordinated project representative Estela Daukšienė had a possibility there to share experience and good practicies from VMU Innovative Studies Institute projects. “ReOPEN: Recognition of valid and open learning” project and its results were presented there: platform for open online courses, training materials on open non-formal course design and recognition, and open courses.

Next to presentations of projects and different usefull tools seminar participants had a possibility to participate in inovative “fish-bowl” discusions on dissemination, sustainability or impact. Tha key presentation of presented useful tools are available at conference website, documentation section.