The Polish National Agency for Erasmus+ Programme, Foundation for the Development of the Education System organized the seminar “Innovate your teaching through methods like gamification, e-learning, Design Thinking, Project Based Learning, use of new technologies in higher education” on the on 26-28 September 2018 in Lodz, Poland.

In Higher Education there is a strong need for exchange of good practices and experiences in designing and implementing innovative teaching approaches such as design thinking, project-based learning, gamification, use of modern ICT, etc. and this was the main aim of this seminar.

Participants of the seminar discussed what is innovation in Higher Education, why do we need innovation, what are the benefits of innovation in Higher Education and what are the challenges during the implementation of innovation in Higher Education. In open space discussion session participants collected the ideas how to engage students in online environment. Vytautas Magnus University experience in using digital badges and good practice from Erasmus+ funded project “ReOPEN: Recognition of Valid and Open Learning”together with training material on application of digital badges was presented during the discussions.

Let‘s exchange our good practices!