Glossary of terms

Glossary of terms used in training material

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Speciális | A | Á | B | C | CS | D | DZ | DZS | E | É | F | G | GY | H | I | Í | J | K | L | M | N | NY | O | Ó | Ö | Ő | P | Q | R | S | SZ | T | TY | U | Ú | Ü | Ű | V | W | X | Y | Z | ZS | MIND

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Prior learning assessment & recognition (PLAR) is a process that gives you the opportunity to obtain academic credit for one or more courses in a certificate, diploma or degree. You will need to demonstrate that you have acquired the necessary skills and knowledge through life experiences.

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Academic credit portability is the transparency and simplicity of moving academic credits earned at one institution to another - prior course and credits are recognized with comparable value. Lack of academic credit portability is a major issue across higher education given the changing enrollment patterns of today's college students.

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Proctoring, proctored exam

Proctoring or Proctored Test is defined as a mechanism to ensure the authenticity of the test taker and prevent him/her from cheating via a proctor is present during the duration of the test.

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Quality assurance (QA)

The maintenance of a desired level of quality in a service or product. In education this implies the inclusion of the quality of teaching, resources, assessments, etc., as well as the quality of the institution.

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Recognition of prior learning (RPL)

RPL is method of assessment (leading to the award of credit) that considers whether a learner can demonstrate that they can meet the assessment requirements for a unit through the knowledge, understanding or skills that they already possess and so, do not need to develop these through a course of learning.
It enables the recognition of achievement from a range of activities using any valid assessment methodology. Provided that the assessment requirements of a given unit or qualification have been met, the use of RPL is acceptable for accrediting a unit, units or a whole qualification.Evidence of learning must be both valid and reliable.

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Summative assessment

Summative assessment demonstrates the extent of a learner's success in meeting the assessment criteria used to gauge the intended learning outcomes of a module or programme, and which contributes to the final mark given for the module. It is normally, though not always, used at the end of a unit of teaching. Summative assessment is used to quantify achievement, to reward achievement, to provide data for selection (to the next stage in education or to employment). For all these reasons the validity and reliability of summative assessment are of the greatest importance.

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Validation of learning outcomes

Confirmation by a competent body that learning outcomes (knowledge, skills and/or competences) acquired by an individual in a formal, non-formal or informal setting have been assessed against predefined criteria and are compliant with the requirements of a validation standard. Validation typically leads to certification.


Process of confirmation by an authorised body that an individual has acquired learning outcomes measured against a relevant standard. Validation consists of four distinct phases:

  • identification through dialogue of particular experiences of an individual;
  • documentation to make visible the individual’s experiences;
  • formal assessment of these experiences; and
  • certification of the results of the assessment which may lead to a partial or full qualification.

Source: Cedefop, 2008; Council of the European Uion, 2012.



The ‘x’ stands for eXtended or the eXtension of the core curriculum. The xMOOC is an expert centered MOOC, in which this expert directs the knowledge to be gained. The difference between this type of MOOC and a traditional online course is that, this is Massive and it is Open. The xMOOC is based on the traditional classroom structure. The role of the course instructor (expert) is to create and coordinate the curriculum. He/she also sets the outcomes of the course from the onset. Often, the course involves lecture videos, pre-set and computer marked assignments, and automated system feedback. The learner is responsible for completing the set tasks as directed by the instructor, in the required time. xMOOC have a strict set duration, and at the completion of the course, a certificate or badge is issued indicating the pass mark. The aim of the xMOOC is to efficiently deliver content to larger audiences.


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