Glossary of terms
Glossary of terms used in training material
Speciális | A | Á | B | C | CS | D | DZ | DZS | E | É | F | G | GY | H | I | Í | J | K | L | M | N | NY | O | Ó | Ö | Ő | P | Q | R | S | SZ | T | TY | U | Ú | Ü | Ű | V | W | X | Y | Z | ZS | MIND
C |
CAAComputer assisted assessment, term from the early ages of e-learning, now called e-assessment | ||
CPD - Continuing professional developmentContinuing professional development (CPD) is the intentional maintenance and development of the knowledge and skills needed to perform in a professional context. This could mean honing current skills, it could mean developing them to a new level, or it could mean learning new ones that will allow an employee’s job role to expand or prepare them for potential promotion. More information | ||
Credits (in the context of non-formal learning)New forms of open education such as Massive Open OnlineCourses are challenging higher education with respect to recognition of credits and recognition of prior learning and experience; a university may recognise learning outcomes achieved outside the curriculum context, e.g. certifying that the learning outcomes achieved and assessed outside the institution satisfy its requirements, thus awarding a learned credits for non-formal and informal learning. | ||
CurriculumThe curriculum gives learners a clear indication of what is expected of them in terms of performance, conditions and standard (if applicable). | ||