Glossary of terms
Glossary of terms used in training material
Speciális | A | Á | B | C | CS | D | DZ | DZS | E | É | F | G | GY | H | I | Í | J | K | L | M | N | NY | O | Ó | Ö | Ő | P | Q | R | S | SZ | T | TY | U | Ú | Ü | Ű | V | W | X | Y | Z | ZS | MIND
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e-assessmentWe define formative e-assessment as the use of ICT to support the iterative process of gathering and analysing information about student learning by teachers as well as learners and of evaluating it in relation to prior achievement and attainment of intended, as well as unintended learning outcomes, in a way that allows the teacher or student to adjust the learning trajectory. (Pachler, et al., 2009, p. 1) | ||
ECTSECTS stands for European Credit Accumulation and Transfer System. It is a learner-centred system for credit accumulation and transfer, based on the principle of transparency of the learning, teaching and assessment processes. Its objective is to facilitate the planning, delivery and evaluation of study programmes and student mobility by recognising learning achievements and qualifications and periods of learning. More information | ||
ECTS creditECTS credits express the volume of learning based on the defined learning outcomes and their associated workload. 60 ECTS credits are allocated to the learning outcomes and associated workload of a full-time academic year or its equivalent, which normally comprises a number of educational components to which credits (on the basis of the learning outcomes and workload) are allocated. ECTS credits are generally expressed in whole numbers. More information | ||