Design and Management of European Projects

Authoring institution: ONECO Consulting

This course provides a wide view on European funding programmes:

  • How to access and manage European projects.
  • Cycle of European projects management: from its approval until its report.
  • European projects’ nature and the general scheme for operating with them.
  • How to articulate the relevant strategies and follow up on them.
  • Practical exercises for designing project ideas and concepts.
  • Next framework programme 2021-2027

Kind of recognition:

This course has been designed bearing in mind practical needs related to the preparation and management of EU projects. Transparency of the whole learning process and outcomes, via digital badge as well as alignment with ECTS points, are foundation for this course to be recognized by higher education institutions or interested employers. Higher education institutions can offer this course as part of their study programmes and employers can have a confirmation that their current or potential employee has acquired appropriate level of knowledge needed for developing the required professional tasks.



1 ECTS on the basis of 25 academic hours. Number of credits (ECTS) will be issued based on:

  • Attendance to the course.
  • Completion of assignments and self-assessment quizzes, obtaining a minumim of 5 points in each of them (on a scale from 0 to 10).

Learning outcomes

  • Wide knowledge about available EU funds in different topics
  • Setting up project consortiums
  • Key aspects of proposals writing
  • Guidelines for a successful technical and financial management
  • Reporting to competent authorities

Badge description

This badge is to acknowledge that the student has successfully completed the online course “Design and Management of European Projects”. The digital badge is directly related to the learning outcomes of the course.
This digital badge was issued to 12 learners in the first piloting round.

Challenges addressed:

Main challenge has been to design an online course with the required quality according to our standards, because it was the first time we were working with Moodle platform as administrators, not just as users. In this way, we have been continually learning along the process of designing contents and teaching.

Added value for the course author institution:

As we have stated previously, this has been our first attempt for developing an online course. This is why this experience has been extremely important for ONECO. We have wide experience in delivering traditional courses (face-to-face), but designing an online course was an old aspiration for us, and the ideal tool for opening new opportunities for the future.

Learners' feedback


Santiago Reyes

Head of Project Department at ONECO.


Gloria Jurado

Consultant at ONECO.

Plans for the future:

To offer this course for a wider audience in the near future, directly through ONECO or with the support of third parties, and to design new online courses also related to the field of European projects.

About institution:

ONECO is a consultancy of European programs in the field of education, culture, employment and local development. From 1997 until today ONECO is a consultancy that offers services in a wide range of community programs.

ONECO counts on a team which is highly qualified in the preparation and management of European projects, moving with ease on a national and international setting. A wide network of international partners and 400 projects carried out since 1997 endorse the experience of this company.

More details:

Kind of recognition:

The course “Design and Management of European Projects” could be recognized in formal education, with ECTS credits, by UPO as part of their Specific Training Activities (STA). STA are oriented to the expansion or specialization of knowledge of various technologies, their foundations and applications, as well as artistic, cultural or sports training, as well as those related to the gender perspective and equal opportunities, non-discrimination and universal accessibility for people with disabilities. For doing this, it is necessary to request the approval of UPO and sign a collaboration agreement.

Added value for the institution recognizing the course:

This course can be offered mainly to researchers and postgraduate students interested in the field of project management and EU funding schemes.

Institution recognizing the course:

Pablo de Olavide University (UPO), located in Seville (Spain), is a public university committed to offer high quality education. It is located in a single campus equipped with the latest technologies. In its 140 hectares it combines teaching, research, and social and sport activities, which makes it a different alternative. All courses in UPO are adapted to the European Higher Education Area. Education in the new official courses is based on providing the knowledge, the abilities and the skills necessary so students can enter successfully the European labour market. To this end the University provides the latest technologies and internships in enterprises. In addition, it favours the acquisition of other languages.

Description of the process:

At this stage, main challenge is to obtain the formal recognition for the course “Design and Management of European Projects” by UPO as part of their Specific Training Activities (STA), because it is not an easy process, with some bureaucracy and complex requirements. UPO has to be sure that this course accomplish with all their requirements in terms of quality. Once this process is completed, the idea would be to implement this course in the near future (starting in the second semester of course 2018/2019), open to the to the entire University community, but mainly for researchers and postgraduate students.

Institution recognizing the course:

In this case, ONECO acts as institution recognizing the course. ONECO is a consultancy for European projects in the area of education, culture, innovation, employment and local development, among other areas. ONECO’s activities have changed since its creation in 1997 and it has been transformed from a specialist in mobility projects and internships abroad, using a variety of different funding schemes, to a firm of consultants for a wide range of European programmes.

ONECO’s main aim are, among others: to promote the participation of Spanish citizenship in European projects; to bring the European policies closer to the civil society; to promote a better knowledge about the European Union policies and the EU in general; to support a better employment among young people and adults through the participation in European projects; to foster the participation of European citizens in local, regional, national and European politics.

Kind of recognition:

After the completion of the course (including final exam) the participant will obtain the certificate of course completion and the digital badge, issued by European Projects Department of ONECO.

Added value for the institution recognizing the course:

The implementation of this course bring to us the opportunity to identify new potential professionals for working in the field of EU projects, in which is not always easy to find this kind of qualified and specialized workers.

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