
ReOPEN handbook provides presentation of ICT platform key functionalities and recommendations for education institutions which might be interested in the use of the platform in their own organization servers and provide open online learning service for the society.

1. Registration to the platform

This guide is for the first time learners who would like to register to the ReOPEN ICT platform. Please click the button below to see step by step guide of registration process.

2. Registration to the course

This guide is for the registered learners who would like to enroll/register to the course provided in ReOPEN ICT platform. Please click the button below to see step by step guide of enrolling to the course.

3. Learning agreement

Registered and logged in learners have to read learning agreement and agree with it in order to access the course. This guide shows the process of learning agreement functionality in ReOPEN ICT platform. For organizations who would like to use our ICT platform in their own servers are advised to check this functionality carefully as this is one of the essential aspects of open online learning process and ICT platform function. Please click the button below to see step by step guide of learning agreement process.

4. Learning outcomes

One the main component of learning process in ReOPEN ICT platform is learning outcomes - a specific set of descriptions of what a student has demonstrated and understood at the completion of an activity or course. For institutions who would like to use ReOPEN ICT platform in their own servers have to read this guide carefully as they will need to adapt or create their own learning outcomes for specific courses. Please click the button below to see step by step guide of learning outcomes creation process.

5. ICT platform usage in institution servers

In order to get a free copy of ReOPEN ICT platform, you need to express your interest in the use of the platform by filling this form. You will be contacted by email and will receive the template of the agreement to be signed by your institution and ReOPEN consortium representative institution. When agreement is signed, you will be provided with the archive (.zip) file with ReOPEN ICT platform which you will be able to extract and install on your institutional web servers. Please click the button below to see detail information what consists in free copy of ReOPEN ICT platform.

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