Introduction to Animation Creation as a Learning Tool

Introduction to Animation Creation as a Learning Tool

Aim of the learning programme is to make learners familiarize with the basic techniques of animation creation; understand and explore how animation creation can be used in the classroom to foster learning.

The method can be applied for various age groups and in different subject areas.

Main topics:

  • History of animation creation
  • Basic techniques
  • Tools: softwares, equipment
  • Pedagogical aspects:
    • impact on motivation
    • Facilitator role of the teacher
    • Innovation, interactivity, creativity ect.

Learning outcomes / competences:

  • define the terms used in animation creation and in animation pedagogy
  • explain the pedagogical added-values of using animation creation in the classroom
  • apply animation creation technologies in teaching work
  • create animated short movies

Course start time:

  • 2017-04-16

Course duration:

  • 5 weeks


  • 30 academic hours (1 ECTS)


  • None

Recognition of competences:

  • Digital badge, digital certificate recognized in Course creator organization

Kriszta Mihalyi

Director of Operations at European Distance and E-Learning Network – EDEN

Kriszta Mihalyi graduated as a teacher of mathematics (MSc), holds a BSc degree in economics and a BA (Hons) in European Business Administration. Presently pursuing PhD studies in education, focusing on the pedagogical application of e-learning, specifically on how to use animation creation as a learning tool.

For the past ten years she has been involved in various European projects related to the issue of innovation in education. She was the Hungarian national coordinator for the CEDEFOP Training of Trainers’ Network between 2005 and 2007, worked for the Teacher Training Centre of the Corvinus University of Budapest, was an international project manager at the Hungarian National Agency for Lifelong Learning Programme/ Erasmus+ and in the past years she has been a project manager and since September 2016 Director of Operations at the European Distance and e-learning Network.

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