To ensure an optimal transfer to practice, ESCP selected the Ökofeeding GmbH Berlin as a strategic partner for this event. Ökofeeding is a company that offers trainings, especially for farmers in Germany. Their portfolio covers, for example, trainings related to leadership and to stock breeding. The company has a wide network of trainers which makes it a valuable multiplier for ReOPEN.
Seven trainers participated in the event which was designed as a workshop and held/moderated by Matthias Murawski from ESCP Europe.
First, the ReOPEN project was introduced, before the focus was placed on the ICT platform and the CPD courses. However, also the training material was briefly presented. Second, a moderated discussion about how the ReOPEN output could be transferred to the practical work of the participants took place. Finally, some specific tools that are useful to foster interaction during learning were subject to discussion.
The workshop format allowed intense and fruitful exchange of experiences and opinions. Feedback from the participants was generally very positive.